♥♥ Miyaki ♥ happy life ! ♥ ♥
♥ Miyaki 李丽芯♥: 6A gathering - Plan B (Publika)

♥ ♥ ♥ Miyaki's Kingdom ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

6A gathering - Plan B (Publika)

Wow wow wow~!!
Yoyyo!! Its august~!! MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!
Wu huuu…

Well, its gathering time again…
Ppl usually ask me “gathering? V hu??”
Ahaaa!! My primary skul frenz…..
They always shock bcuz its PRIMARY FRIENDSS but v still so CLOSE~!! Haha…

I spend my time v my lovely buddiessss at publika – Plan B
Nine of us this time…
Seriously, its great!!
We saw chuckei’s sister – ishohtonic (a famous blogger)
Well, beck to gathering topic…
creative wall painted
Pok boon, ding……
They mad v those carsss…
And we take a lot of pic v those carss and walls…
Izit MAD?!! Well, I’m 1 of them…. hahass…
Ehem… 2nd round again

From Publika to Giza…
i though they wana chill at “in house”
At the end,  v meet “beers”
Okay~!!! I’m really x good in drinking…
I will drunk easily v few cups of beers…
U knw wat?! Although is jz 5%... oh gosh……

Every1 is high… especially yew chee…
Hahas!!!! She was….. so different b4 drunk…
And wei yi gave us her 1st time… =P
She dance on small stage…
Ding is 1 of  the victim oso… v push him up…

Is abit weird becuz from primary 6A frenz to the frenz which can drink together….
Mature ady…
Again to say, they growth taller….
Seems like I’m getting shorter…

Well, buddies… nice 2 meet u guys…
U guys r really nice… ^^
Ding, yew chee, wei yi, tze ting, pok boon, therence, zi yao, ahmad…..
They r the 1 join the gathering 2nitez…
My primary frenz so CUTE and FUN
It’s hard to meet all the time…
I’m appreciate the time I spend v u guys….
Seriously, u guys really great …
I duno y still so “GAP” v u guys although I’m different secondary school v u guys…
Let’s plan for next gathering ^^        
Maybe we can meet at PLAN C?? hahas…..,,,xP
Good luck for those hu sit for their final soon… =P

Support support~!!!!!! ><’’

Plan B --- Publika
Publika - Journal by Plan B

Ding n Miyaki

Carson, Wai yee, Ding n Miyaki

Wai yee n miyaki

Carson n miyaki

Wai yee carson n miyaki

4 of us again.... we went toilet for half hour i think... (take pic) xP

nice design....

saw the car bhind??!!

peace~~~!!!!! capture v 2 leng zaii

all of us...

noob faces...

toilet mirror..........

in Ding's car

Sunway Giza, laz picha b4 end....

p/s: tiz is jz part of the pic... many mur in the camera... =)

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