♥♥ Miyaki ♥ happy life ! ♥ ♥
♥ Miyaki 李丽芯♥: English essay~!! xO

♥ ♥ ♥ Miyaki's Kingdom ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

English essay~!! xO

he could not believe what he saw......

(i used tallor swift's song, love story to describe as an essay~)


He could not believe what he saw that i was married. I married a man which is why my father did'nt bless our marriage. He told me he knew that I'm not that little girl who always cry for lolipop anymore. He held my hand. There is no any sound but i saw the tears shining on his face. He closed his eyes and never wake up again.

My mother passed away since I'm seven years old. My father is my olny one in this world, he too. He loves me very much. He always bring me along whenever he goes. I like to follow him. I always cry for a lolipop and he would bought it for me to make me happy.

When i was eighteen, I met a boy, Romeo. He is a manager of a company and i was a scarlet letters. We don't know each other until our end year party celebration. Few months later, we fall in love to each other.

My father disagree with our relationship when he knew this. He said that we were too young and he is afraid that i will hurt by the man i love. But i don't care, I know Romeo love me and i love him too. My father locked me in my room so that i could'nt contact with Romeo.

I climbed through my room window and meet Romeo. At first we meet,we would keep quiet. We wish that we could closed our eyes and escape this town for a little while. I'm not going back until my father approve the relationship between me and Romeo.

Do you know the story of Romeo and Juliet? I wish he could be the Romeo and i would be Juliet. But my father want me to stay away from Romeo. At the end, I did not ggo back home. I don't want to know anything about my father. I hate him. He does'nt know what i want and does'nt understand me. This is what i feel. At the end, I married Romeo.

I tried to contact my father few months later but he never answer my call. I don't dare to change my phone number because i miss him.I was afraid that i will loss the contact between me and my father. I do so although I know he would be very angry at me and he won't forgive me.

Five years later, I receive a call from my father's neighbour. He told me that my father met an accident and he is in the hospital. I rush to the hospital with my husband and my child.

I sat beside his bed. He could not believe what he saw that i was married and had a 3 years old child. He held my husband hand and mine. He said he was not angry at me because i'm his lovely daughter. He told my child not to be naughty, must love daddy and mummuy. That's the last word he said. He could'nt heard me when I called him daddy for the last time. He closed his eyes and never wake up again. He could'nt see my tears.

"Daddy,I want lolipop!" That's the last scene replay before he shut down his life. I love you, daddy.

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