♥♥ Miyaki ♥ happy life ! ♥ ♥
♥ Miyaki 李丽芯♥: ♥ Someone Loves Somebody ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ Miyaki's Kingdom ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, September 11, 2011

♥ Someone Loves Somebody ♥

Through the sky,
I wanna tell something...
I were mad to somebody once...
As you, not you, that's you...
I'm telling the lies to you...

Someone mad on somebody but someone tells nobody...
Someone want's to be mad on nobody,
that's the way someone love somebody...
Somebody never understand...
If somebody understand,
somebody don't care of it...

Through the sky,
Let's someone share her heart,
the true feeling,
cry out and cheer out,
means to miss...... Somebody...

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